Monday, 9 March 2015


When did it become bad to thrift shop? Why has it become synonymous with hipsters? I thought hipsters wore american apparel and smoked cigs and liked music and movies you've never heard of?

I used to thrift shop all the time when I was younger. I remember when I was about 10 my mom bought me these yellow cotton pants from a thrift store in Lac du Bonnet (I think) and I was obsessed with them.
I have a very clear image in my head of me sitting on a blanket at the front of the yard at the lake (before there were giant pine trees there), reading a book, at sunset, wearing those pants. It was a little chilly and I'm sure I was barefoot.
We also got a toy of one of those old, grey brick phones from the 80s. That and old barbies and, usually, hand made barbie clothes.

I stopped going to second hand stores when I turned 14 or 15. I was a teenager and the thing to do was go to the mall with your friends. I didn't really care about my clothes anyway, considering I wore the same gross black hoodie and pair of army green jeans or black chinos every day.

But in the past few years I've really been getting back into it again. You can find all kinds of near crap. Recently mom and I went to VV and I found this really awesome 50s shirt dress, and 70s pinafore. We also managed to find the perfect glass shade for her ceiling light, which was only 4 bucks, a far cry from the $50 they wanted to charge at Canadian Tire or whatever.